The Project W-EST_WHERE follows on the tail of previous interests and activities of dance organizations and companies key partners in this project, and aims to connect the countries of South East Europe – and, is the springboard of inspiration originating from diverse cultures, all with true determination to firmly position and affirm the dance milieu within the scope of what is known as the Balkan region. This is an expression of our strong  belief into the possibility to establish new structures in culture  which will enhance exchanges but also other avenues of collaboration between dancers, choreographers and other entities within the cultural landscape of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Slovenia, Hungary, Serbia and Belgium.


The project W-EST_WHERE builds on prior activities and interests of dance organizations partners in this project with the objective to connect South-East European countries – as the spring board of inspiration rooted in diverse cultrues through the intrinsic long term goal of developing a dance community in the Balkan region.  

It is this belief in the possibility of creating  new structures in culture which will allow for exchanges and new partnerships between dancers, choreographers and others who participate in the cultural sectors in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Slovenia, Hungary, Macedonia, Serbia and Bulgaria

The project creates opportunities for artists originating from South East Europe through opening a window for touring works outside of national borders, regionally as well as through Western Europe. The project also aims to provide enhanced visibility of dance performances and the promotion of the art of contemporary dance in general.

Choreographers and dancers exchange experiences and ideas through workshops and seminars; it is the start of a creative dance laboratorium as an additional avenue to research and transfer knowledge; it enables emerging artists to present their respective works. 

W_EST WHERE comes alive in the field of contemporary dance which is, as any other contemporary art, it is by definition and curren trends an interdisciplinary one, while at the same it questions and references tradition, both that inherited as well as the one which will result from these cultural activities.   

There are well over 10,000  direct beneficiaries of this project – artists, cultural professionals, and the audiences. Indirectly the beneficiaries of these programs are all of the citizens of Europe and primarily due to an increased level of use of the intenet as a promotinoal and communication tool around the project.   

In addition of the creation of a unique network of European choreographers, the aim of the project is to emphasize the plurality of European cultures which are open to a meeting with the other as well as partnerships and through these encounters  which remain open to each and the other. And, through this project to strive  in addition to development of a pluralistic European culture open to others and towards each other and through the encounters of these  cultures create an European identity based on the principle: "In varietate Concordia".


Duration of Project : 2009-2011.

Lead Partner:
Hrvatski institut za pokret i ples, Zagreb, HR

Cie Jasmina, Orleans, FR
Teatro Viriato, Viseu, PT
Trafo, Budimpešta, HU

Associate partners:
Festival ZVRK, Sarajevo, BiH
Emmetrop, Bourges, FR
Regional Creative Atelier Jozef Nadj, Kanjiža,Srbija
Centre Chorégraphique National d'Orléans, FR
Kondenz, STATION, Beograd, Srbija
Lokomotion, LOKOMOTIVA, Skopje, Makedonija
Association "Le 108", Orléans, FR


Projekt stvara uvjete protoka umjetnika jugoistočne Europe tako što im se otvara mogućnosti nastupa izvan domicilnih sredina, kako unutar regije tako i u zapadnoj Europi. Time se istovremeno omogućuje šira vidljivost plesnih predstava i promocija suvremene plesne umjetnosti.

Koreografi i plesači razmjenjuju iskustva i ideje kroz radionice i seminare; otvara se svojevrsni plesni laboratorij kao dodatna mogućnost istraživanja i transfera znanja; omogućuje se mladim umjetnicima da  pokažu svoje uratke.

W_EST WHERE se odvija u području suvremenog plesa, koji je kao i suvremena umjetnost po definiciji i današnjim trendovima interdisciplinaran, a ujedno propitkuje i referira se na tradiciju, kako naslijeđenu tako i onu koja je posljedica kulturnih aktivnosti.

Izravni korisnici projekta su više od 10,000 sudionika - umjetnici, kulturni profesionalci i publika. Neizravni korisnici su svi građani Europe, zahvaljujući intenzivnoj uporabi interneta u promociji i komunikaciji informacija o projektu.

Osim stvaranja jedinstvene mreže europskih koreografa, namjera je projekta da se naglasi pluralizam europskih kultura koji su otvorene suradnji s drugima, te da se putem susreta ovih kultura nastavi nadogradnja stvaranju  Europskog identiteta po principima "In varietate Concordia".