ChoreoroamEurope 2011 is an international project among partners from the United Kingdom, (The Place, London) , Italy (Festival B-Motion of the OperaEstate festival, Veneto), Spain (Certamen, Madrid), Holland (Dansatelier, Rotterdam) and Croatia (Croatian Institute for Movement and Dance/ Hrvatski institut za pokret i ples, Zagreb). The aim of the project is to connect emerging and mid-career choreographers through the process of creation and exchange of ideas, mentorship opportunities, residencies and encounters with internationally acclaimed dance dramaturges, choreographers, dance producers etc.
The Project is building on successful partnerships and collaboration of European dance promoters and professionals who frequently partenr together through projects aiming to facilitate professional development of dance artists and also touring opporutnities through projects such as: Dance Week Festival, Choreodrome, B-Motion Festival, Aerowaves, Certamen etc.
Choreographers, producers, dramaturges – over a period of often no longer than seven day residencies at host/partner cities engage in training, research, learning about local dance communities, view performances, attend festivals, exchange ideas with other artists, attend conferences, act as mock jury members. The Project was introduced to Croatia through the Dance Week Festival in 2009 when 14 young choreographers and 8 dance producers met in Zagreb to observe the Dance Week Festival, research, learn about local development and local arts scene, exchange ideas etc. In 2009 Sonja Tropp Freuhwald was the Croatian participant in this project. In 2010, Sonja Pregrad; For Choreoroam 2011 the representive for Croatia was Marjana Krajač, and in the 2012 edition Irena Mikec.
B.motion Festival, Italy:
Dansatelier, Netherlands :
Operaestate Festival, Italy:
Paso a Dos, Spain:
The Place, UK: